Today,in the midst of the pathetic exams, we had a ball! :D
It was a dinner cum ball thingie mainly organised for the teachers and professors of our uni as a form of gratitude, it was the first one!
and thanks to George, who put in the effort of choreographing the venice waltz and gave us a chance of performing on this evening ball (unfortunately, i didnt get to perform, due to some circumstances which is complicated to explain, in short, i dun have a dance partner last minute-ly, she had to fly back home)
Nevertheless, it was still a great evening which i enjoyed! :D (at least i got to dance with some of the hot girls during the free dancing part at the end *wink*)
During the evening, there were several performances, singing (great songs! one of the girl sang like Faryl Smith from BGT), Tango, slow Waltz, and even kids can dance ballroom dance so well!!!
I am proud that my university can throw out such a grand and nice event, hoping that this will not be the last time! :)
Alright, let's get back the focus onto the exams =.= !