Yesterday was a 'disaster' (oopz, i used the word 'disaster', should be the negative influence from my group).
Of all days, the hostel decided to repaint my unit yesterday and we were asked to clear up the common hall outside my room and also the toilet and bathroom, to let the workers to do their job.
what is wrong with them??? they have 2 long months summer holidays when i was away and the unit is practically empty to do such renovation, yet they chose yesterday!!! =.= $%$^$^%#^$
alright, we did as what we were told and after school yesterday, i returned to a room in total mess...all the renovation jobs are in process ( in a VERY slow momentum, ya know, the style here ). I can bear with such mess for one or 2 days, i taught.
However, things just didn't end there!!!
There was a team of workers from a local internet company came to set up the cables and stuff for my neighbour's room, AND the dunno-whoever-smartass happily drilled into my unit's (my room is inside) main electric cable supply which is hidden in the wall!!!! OMG!!! poof~~ everything went off...... for almost 24 HOURS!!!
yes...the another-smartass-electrician just came after a total of 24 hours to fix the cable, come on, it is just some simple job to reconnect the tiny little wire!!! (FYI, it was the 2nd electrician who fixed it, the 1st one came and had a look and said he cant'd do anything...WTF)
well well, all in all, light is back now FINALLY after a disastrous 24 hours ( and there was no water supply in between for few hours )... had a pretty good experience of living in a refuge camp :)