Thursday, November 22, 2007

cut or don't cut?

recently i had been thinking of getting my hair cut(not again??? wat's so unusual abt it? i cut my hair on a pretty often basis...-_-")
NOW u see, this time round, it is not just a simple hair cut, BUT a SUPER DUPER SHORT HAIR CUT!!!
yes,i am thinking to 'shave' my head (not to the extent of getting bald thou), maybe something like this:

lol~ SC just 'shave' his head, n he keep telling everyone he looks like this guy above (=_=)

AND the feedbacks i get?...

girl A: ohhh...i LURVE bald guys ( >.< ...this is tricky, first i am not getting bald, 2ndly a girl doesnt make up the whole female population)
girl B: what? NOooooo... why u wanna do that??? what's wrong with ur current hair???
SC : quick go n get the same hair cut as mine!!! =_="

alright,why in the first place i will even have such thought??? it maybe just a moment of impulse, but i haven really tried that b4 in my life...(yes, i like to try out new stuff >.< ) n i would really like to try it out...

maybe some will say why be stupid and do something which u are quite sure that the outcome will be unsatisfactory... *shrug* people tend to do stupid stuff most of the time i guess :)

so, hold on till my next update :P

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