Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year 2008

it is already 1st of Jan 2008 in Malaysia...unbelievable how fast time flies~~

over here,another 4 hours plus to spend on the last day of 2007...LAST DAY of 2007, after today, there will be no more 2007... aiks, better not think too much abt tat, otherwise, emotion will step in.

Anyway, let's welcome another new year ahead, with anticipation, with energy, with a light-hearted mood, with ambition! 2008 will be another fruitful, fantastic, funky year, for YOU and for ME :D !!!

Once again, to everyone, Happy New Year!!!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Celebration in advance

first of all, a BIG thank you to Miss Melissa and Miss Lilian for throwing out such a fantastic Christmas party for us :D !!!
first off, there are FOOD, yummy delicious irresistable FOOD!!!


and presents!!! (FYI, the champagne is sponsored by ME!!! coz seems like many people overlook that, nvm, a kind reminder here, it is by ME!!! ok? akakaka)

and cute accessories to spice up the christmas atmosphere!!! (b4 and after transformation)

we had alot of cam-whoring sessions!!!

the gift exchange session took quite a while though, thus not much time for games, but it is O...K... we had superb FOOD! nothing is unforgivable with such great yummy food! LoL~
my favorite dish....chicky wings!!!

Cha Cha Accomplished

finally after one month of effort, our hard work was put on stage last saturday :D !
although with some hoo-ha here and there before the dance (with the stage director and organiser of the musical festival) and during the dance (yea, maybe it is a first time thingy, anxiety kicked in!)...overall i think it is a job well done! :D heard that? partner and dancers, great job!!!
the feedbacks were good, at least...akakaka (>.<)

the dancers and our beloved dance instructor who choreographed the dance for us!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

a brief one on Kharkov

yup,went to Kharkov last weekend...
was actually sicked days before the trip, anyway, heck, bought the train tix, not gng to waste it, with panadols and flu pills in the bag, i hopped on the train & here we go...

reached on sat morning, checked into a hotel recommender by a friend which is supposed to be 'cheap' turned out to be 100gr more 0_0 !!! damn, heck, not going to freeze myself with all the bags to search for other option, checked in.

not wasting much time,we headed off to the market, with the main purpose of visiting the vietnamese market within. (yup,lots of vietnames there, dun ask me why, gotta read up on the history, then i will tell ya)

after some hide and seek, and asking for directions, we found it! there is also a cafe next to it...selling Vietnamese and chinese food!!! XD yea~~

treated myself with some kuay teow...

and half way eating,chew noticed neighbouring tables are having some white milky drinks,his eyes shined...could it be soya milk?!?! and to our pleasant surprise, YES, there are soya milk sold here...we had 2 big cups and even filled in our water bottle to take away some...LoL~

after the feast,we went 'marketing'...haha, keeping CNY in mind, we bought kinda lots of raw ingredients (^^,)V we are gng to have a feast during coming CNY!!! (FYI,we could hardly get 'chinese' stuff over here at my place,so it is good chance to shop in kharkov and store up!)

after spending half a day at the market,we quickily rushed back to the hotel to place our heavy shopping bags, and off we went to the centre is getting dark very fast during winter, when we got off from the metro station, we were already greeted by the sunset...

i was quite lost at that moment as in which way to take to goto the 'shopping street'. anyway, we picked a street and started walking...n walk n walk n walk. nothing much impressive, kinda quiet actually on the street, started to doubt whether we picked the right way, decided to call to a friend who is very familiar with this city, double-checked with him...a park? checked; a statue? checked; eh? then we should be on the right street then...a lot more distance to cover? ok...let's continue walking then

...DAMN, wat a BAD BAD decision...we got some outskirt kind of place...with temperature of -10 degree C!!! n the killing wind~~~ we just haled a bus n hopped on it and it took us to a even further residential area, at least we saved ourselves being frozen to death outside in the cold. anyhow, we took another bus back at the terminal stop back to center and searched desperately for the nearest metro station, rushed back to hotel...and collapsed~ ZzZ

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

This coming weekend...

this is really a great photo of kharkov street, wil find it out myself!

the 3rd largest square in europe is found in this city

yup,i am going away for a short weekend trip to another city in ukraine, Kharkov, which is about 8 hours train journey from the pathetic little town i base in.

just wanna unwind a little, get away from all the hustle bustle here... although it will be much colder up north, i shall be prepared for that :)

and not forgetting Christmas is around the corner!!! :D yup, a good chance to do some christmas gifts shopping in the 2nd largest city in ukraine.

meanwhile,i should settle everything that needs to be done before i take off on friday night! :) yeepee~~

Monday, December 03, 2007

Saturday, December 01, 2007

condoms!!! is not like what u think it is...
juz to put a catchy did i get ur attention??? xP

anyway,today after the dance class,our dance teacher( who is actually a dentistry student in his final year ) kindly reminded us that it is world AIDS day today!!! (1st of Dec)

what more surprising is later on he brought out some packets and boxes,and started distributing us these:

pamphlet "you and AIDS"

pamphlet "no AIDS at Z Zone"

a name card telling where u shud approach to do a HIV test

here comes the surprising one!!!


made in USA,not bad eh?

of course,last but not least, the very symbolic red ribbon :)

cool eh? i mean ya i used to get free pamphlets, brochures, ribbons or batches on such day, but it is the first time i got free condoms!!! akakaka~~
nevertheless, of course, the main point about this post is not about the condoms :P ,
being a future doctor, i should play a part in promoting AIDS-awareness among u guys readers :)
AIDS can usually be transmitted with shared needles among drug addicts, blood contact for hospital personnels and lastly SEX.
yup, sex is good, but SAFE sex is even better!!! :)
maybe u will think now " wont happen to me; or i am still a virgin...bla bla bla..." but u never know, when it really happens, please remember, play SAFE!
SAFE sex does not only prevent u from getting AIDS (almost 100%), and also many other venereal( aka sexually transmitted) diseases, n also unwanted pregnancies and abortions that follow then.
ok i sound like some naggy-promote safe sex-lecturer =.=

anyhow, just remember to think twice and be prepared, u will never know...ok?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

my joke (><)

there was this one day,we were waiting for the bus at the so called bus-stop (actually juz the roadside where people usually stand and wait for buses), not far from our hostel.

my roommate told me that along this road itself there was a fight between the locals and foreigners(aka malaysian indians) some day ago... not really a fight actually, it is more of a bullying session by the local drunken kiddos. it is a 15 locals vs 10 foreigners situation...

then this sudden 'inspiration' came into my mind n i said...if only it was 18 chinese, sure they won't lose in the fight, even against a hundred of opponents!

my roommate was puzzled...why huh???
because they are the 十八铜人!!! (aka the eighteen bronze martial monks from Shao-lin temple) LoLz~~

he just show me this face (=.=) ... ...

and i just cant stop laughing to my own impromptu joke... ahahahaha~~ 0_o

Sunday, November 25, 2007


who is this huh?!?!?! (=.=)V

Thursday, November 22, 2007

cut or don't cut?

recently i had been thinking of getting my hair cut(not again??? wat's so unusual abt it? i cut my hair on a pretty often basis...-_-")
NOW u see, this time round, it is not just a simple hair cut, BUT a SUPER DUPER SHORT HAIR CUT!!!
yes,i am thinking to 'shave' my head (not to the extent of getting bald thou), maybe something like this:

lol~ SC just 'shave' his head, n he keep telling everyone he looks like this guy above (=_=)

AND the feedbacks i get?...

girl A: ohhh...i LURVE bald guys ( >.< ...this is tricky, first i am not getting bald, 2ndly a girl doesnt make up the whole female population)
girl B: what? NOooooo... why u wanna do that??? what's wrong with ur current hair???
SC : quick go n get the same hair cut as mine!!! =_="

alright,why in the first place i will even have such thought??? it maybe just a moment of impulse, but i haven really tried that b4 in my life...(yes, i like to try out new stuff >.< ) n i would really like to try it out...

maybe some will say why be stupid and do something which u are quite sure that the outcome will be unsatisfactory... *shrug* people tend to do stupid stuff most of the time i guess :)

so, hold on till my next update :P

Sunday, November 18, 2007

what will be in your christmas stocking?

Your Christmas Stocking Will Be Filled With a Stuffed Animal

Either Santa got your Christmas wish many years late...
Or he secretly thinks you're a bit immature!

abit immature?!?!?! humpf...okie i admit that to some extent -_-"

Thursday, November 15, 2007

just to share

my cousin sister forwarded this to me :) would like to share with you...

到天國幾天假? 去那裡車票很貴






霎時無法給這個來工讀的小妹答案的老闆,追問她為何這樣說。 「我爸爸和媽媽,半年前騎車一起去工廠時,出車禍。阿嬤說,他們去天國了。」老闆聽完小妹的話後,走到她旁邊,撫著她的肩。 老闆說:「去那個地方車票很貴,妳要努力念書、存錢,將來才買得起車票。這個過年,妳如果沒有事,就來店裡包餃子,妳來上一天班,老闆就加付妳十天的薪資。」



怡君伸直身子,好把襁褓中的弟弟看清楚點。 他躺在嬰兒床裡,她聞到身邊桌上的藥味。爸媽告訴她,弟弟病的很重。 她並不清楚弟弟到底有什麼問題,只知道他似乎不太高興。

他老是哭,現在也是。 她輕聲細語:〔弟弟,別哭了。〕 弟弟奇蹟似地不哭了,盯著他姊姊看,眼中泛著淚光。 她牽起他的小手,看著他肥肥的手指,滿是汗水的手指求救般地抓住她的一根指頭。 怡君安慰地緊握了一下。

這時,她聽到父母在隔壁房裡說話。 怡君雖然只有六歲,但她知道,當大人壓低聲音說話時,就是在討論重大的事情。 六歲的怡君很好奇,她親了親弟弟,踮起腳尖走到門邊去。


她母親回答:[現在只能靠奇蹟來救了。 ]

怡君疑惑著:〔奇蹟是什麼?他們怎麼不去弄一個來?〕 她跑進房間,從存錢筒裡拿出一塊錢,她要去買個奇蹟給弟弟!


第一個和這個臉色紅咚咚的小女孩說話的人,是收銀台前的收銀員。 他臉上掛著燦爛的笑容問道:〔小妹妹,我可以為妳服務嗎?﹞



〔 嗯,我弟弟真的病的很重,我要買個奇蹟。〕

收銀員一頭霧水。 他對小孩沒什麼經驗,於是說:〔誰來幫助這小孩?我們沒賣什麼奇蹟啊。〕




穿著體面的男士彎下身,示意要她走近一點。 他問:〔妳有多少錢?〕



幾個月後,怡君看著站在嬰兒床上的弟弟。 她的父母正和那位穿著體面的男士交談,原來他是位知名的神經外科權威。




should i write???

as u see....sometimes i wan to write down sthg abt wat happened in my daily life...but not everything i can put down i realised :P
especially if it is a 'comment' about friends around you (who knows this friend read my blog too?!?!) it may turn the situation ugly, it will be like backstabbing or gossiping about he or she (i suppose i am not tat kind of person *wink*)

so the conclusion is, i want to tell but can't tell...haha~lame me...sorry for wasting ur time reading this entry

P/S: maybe i shud start another blog and stay anonymous? :P then i will b able to brat anything i like!

juz for the sake of putting a pic,to spice up the entry a bit; oh it is my latest wallpaper thou, my target (>.<)

Sunday, November 04, 2007

it was a Saturday...

accompanied a friend to the 'radio market' ( aka a place where sells only electronic stuff)...

that's not the main point, the main thing is that after the visit there,my friend smartly suggested that we walk home -_-" ... n i was smart enought to agree on his suggestion.

FYI, we have not tried tat b4, n i had been to this market less than 5 times (it was my friend's 1st time), so basically i am not pretty sure where the hell are we...still we are 'smart'!

we followed our instincts...we walked n walked n walked... destination - McD which is next to the railway station near our hostel.

it was a sunny day BUT with very very very very chilling breeze...OMG...y were we so smart to make such decision with our thin jackets o_0

i refused to take bus though we saw some passing by which can bring us to the destination (reasons? pl refer to my last post :P and also becoz of my ego, i wont give up so easily! surely i can walk back!)
...... ......

i was a bit regretted after a 45mins walk... it was cold... no more buses in sight... we dunno where were we... i think we were lost :(

many cars passed by, but not many people. it was difficult until i could stop someone who looked friendly enough to ask my directions... it seems we were in the correct direction but just could't reach!

1 hour went pass... i stopped a 2nd passer-by to ask for directions again... he gave me a pretty good idea...he pointed to a railway track not far downhill n asked us to follow the track, brilliant!

:D (at least we saw the track now!)

the pictures below were taken when we were walking along the track...

in between 2 stationary trains, rubbish along the way, cleaning in progress...

continuing our 'journey'...

we saw platforms!!! (finally~~)

we reached!!! (saw the white building in the far end? that's the railway station clock tower)

what a day...... time spent : 90mins

and i was late for my ballroom dance class due to this -__-"

Thursday, November 01, 2007

first of November

the bus fare( more appropriately, shld be mini van -_-") INCREASES!!! (from today onwards)
from 0500-2000 costs 1.50 grievens
from 2000-0500 costs 2.00 grievens

(FYI, most of our classes now are in the hospitals, out-bound university which require us to travel by bus)
sigh...i still remember the first yr when i came here,it started off with 0.75 kopeek (or even only 0.50???) ya,this country is undergoing the period of inflation on almost everything... luckily i still have 1 yr plus to stay, otherwise cannot 'tahan' (financially). (yup,my whole initial purpose of choosing to be stucked in this country is solely because of money factor; okok, maybe also becoz of the degree & overseas factor -__-)

P/S: for the McD fans here, the ONLY pathetic outlet in Simferopol is having an economic set meal comprising a hamburger & potato wedges, priced at 5.50gr... i tot it's quite a good deal (but try NOT to eat too often k? i already paid McD for 3 sets so far :( guilty guilty~~ )

Which of the X men are you?

You Are Jean Grey

Although your fate is often unknown, you always seem to survive (even after death).
Your mind is your greatest weapon, literally!

Powers: telepathy and telekinesis, the ability to project thoughts into the mind of others, communication with animals

Monday, October 29, 2007


always stumble upon this word, but never really get a clear understanding of it...
n finally today i searched for this word online(Wikipedia) and here is the explanation:

The Caucasian race, sometimes called the Caucasoid race,is defined by the Compact Oxford English Dictionary of Current English as "relating to a broad division of humankind covering peoples from Europe, Western Asia, and parts of India and North Africa" or "white-skinned; of European origin" or "relating to the region of the Caucasus in SE Europe". it makes more sense, white-skinned of european origin :) (heh i am seeing them everyday!)
(fine, i know i am stupid for not understanding this term earlier on, but still i am HAPPY to finally clarify it! :D)

P/S: is it that a mix between an Asian and a Caucasian will always produce attractive beautiful/handsome offsprings???...hmm~~*wink*

Sunday, October 28, 2007


bought a book 'backpacker' 2 years ago...

was about a M'sian girl taking 2 years off her normal life routine, headed on to europe and started her life as a backpacker. More interestingly was that at the end of 2 years, she chose a different way to head back home- by railway!!!

this book inspired me alot, to experience a life like tat :) at least once...
but life is life, it is just not so easy to put dream into action.

i need money money and money!!! :P (any suggestions???)
and time time and time...

k, swimming time...ciao~

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Ballroom Dance

starting to appreciate ballroom dance :)
it is sexy and elegant! good form of exercise too!
hope i can get the hang of most of the dances soon :)
why not also YOU start to pick it up?

Saturday, October 06, 2007

i got back my luggage!

Ladies & Gentlemen,

i am proud to annouce that my inter-POLO brand(if u hav a POLO bag,do remember its exact brand name,as they hav tonnes of different names, oh ya, and colour too!!! just in case mah...) luggage is BACK today, 6th Oct 2007, 1150am...somewhat in A PIECE~~ (u will decide for me from the pic below ):- luggage came home with an extra coat, italy brand??? ya right~~
it lost his 2 wheels...
it lost his left hand (aka handle)
it lost 2 legs (aka 2 stumps)

this is all proudly presented to you by :-

Furthermore, they left a kind note INSIDE my luggage, about compensation?about apology? FAT HOPE... it is written : we are OBLIGED to destroyall the perishable goods and have removed all the dangerous items.

ma de... -_- all my herbs and seaweeds are $%&$$ how do they define perishable goods huh???huh?huh? why dint they dump my 'luo han guo' 12 big biji there... ma de~

I hereby declare that i will confirm write to Air France again to claim whatever i deserve!!! muahahaha~~

second try...this do me more justice LOL

Friday, October 05, 2007

good news?? shall wait and see...

guess wat?

Air France in Paris sent a letter back to my home in Ipoh,Malaysia!!! as told by my mum,the letter said that my luggage was found! in Paris! :D

wait a minute, if that is the case, why didn't Air France branch office in ukraine contacted me about this? i know, probably they are still un-awared of what is going on...dummy~~ -_-

ok, i shall be the kind man acting as the middle person and teach them how to communicate among themselves...oh, i will go to heaven!

so i call Air France Customer Relations officer in Kiev main office. at first, i told her( it is a kind young lady, i suppose) that my luggage was found but she keep denying tat; she said " no, no, i had helped u to search all around but failed, and i had replied ur letter regarding compensation and u will get it today."

me being the kind and educated man again, patiently explained to her that there is really a letter sent to my home, and i can give her the reference number of this letter. she was kinda surprised and typed in the number i told her into her computer ( i supposed, from the typing sound )

" o...o...o..." was what i heard from the other end of phone.

"give me a min...this is so rude...this is so rude..." she was talking to herself i supposed. and i also supposed what she meant was it was so rude of the other party for not informing her about the found luggage? ( or is it me??? hmmm...)

anyway, i dun blame her, it is obviously a communication breakdown among Air France branches.

Air France Ukraine traces my luggage just based on its colour,type,brand and the tag number which should be on it ( but i think it is lost), even though i keep stress on the point that my NAME is written on my luggage!!! -_- apparently this point was not brought across.

meanwhile, fortunately (THANK GOD!!!) Air France Paris happened to find a non-owner-luggage in their airport, and luckily again, my NAME and home add are written on it, so they made the right choice to send a letter to 'me' in Malaysia and inform about this.

oh ya,back to the phone... she told me that she will settle this personally with 'him' ( someone from Paris office maybe? ) and my luggage should be sent back to me in a FEW DAYS TIME.

and i kindly asked her will there still be compensation after i get back my luggage, since after all it is way more than 21 days since my luggage is lost. to my disappoitment, the reply is NO. ( i wont give up easily, i am planning to write to the headquarter office in Paris and ask for the compensation i deserve!!! roar~~~)

ok, i politely told her that i will wait for the call from u (she quickly replied that actually she is not in charged of this,the lost and found dept should and they will contact me, bla bla bla...) FINE, i ended the conversation saying that JUST GET SOMEONE TO CALL ME AND INFORM ME WHEN WILL MY LUGGAGE ARRIVE. THANK YOU. BYE.( see how polite i am :))

(FYI, they neva once called me back, either the lost and found or the air france counter in the airport -_- after all my cost-me-a-bomb calls to them... it is so frustrated sometimes to talk to them, with their i-dun-really-care-much attitude. and u expect me to call them again to inform about the whole situation above??? u think they can do anything??? please la, they are just the inferiors of the inferiors...wat they care is when is lunch break & when is the time to go home @$#$%##%$ -__-)

so i am looking forward to > !!! (praying hard that this is not a prank or something, no more heart attack pretty pretty please)

P/S: oh ya, remember the lady on the phone told me that a letter regarding the compensation had been sent to me. i got it when i got back to hostel :) . with great curiousity, i quickily opened up and only to my devastation, found out that my main concern ---> $$$ compensated is only 500USD... wtf!?!?!?!

phew...THANK GOD AGAIN my luggage is found...otherwise, with lost luggage and only 500USD compensation, i will kill myself... they are so STINGY!!!

this is the disappointed letter i received, saw the 500 written?? (the rest just ignore, it is ukrainian language %$#%^ even i cant read, for goodness sake, i write them in english,reply in english la~)

Sunday, September 30, 2007

purpose of LIFE

there are always some parts of life when one starts to wonder the purpose of his life...

aiks...and i am experiencing one part of it now...

mild depression :(...

how are u,gil?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

interesting piece of information

tat day,our pediatric surgery Sir shared with us this: Why more and more people becoming obesed nowadays?
2 main factors : more fast food, less exercise

why fast food? what he shared is kinda informative:
1.) fast food...the name says it all, it is eaten 'fast', aka in rush. when we eat in rush, we tend to overeat. for eg. u are very hungry,u grabbed a burger and wallopped it. the signal from your stomach takes time to reach your brain to tell u that u r full; and u still think that u are hungry and eat more, by the time the signal reaches your brain telling that u r full, u have already taken in 2 burgers, 1 french fries & 1 apple pie. then only u sit back and feel satisfied and full ----> by now, u hav actually over-eaten!!!
2.)fast food + soft drinks = perfect. soft drinks = cold. what does this equation tell us? when we drink cold water while/after we eat, it actually decreases the optimum temperature in our stomach which is needed for the digestive enzymes to function properly. There will be improper digestion and fast passing of food into the duodenum (ie. emptying of the stomach). In short, we feel hungry again in a short time!

In conclusion, you eat fast food and tend to always overeat, and get hungry fast, and you will eat fast food again, and overeat, and get hungry fast again and overeat and......
it is a viscious cycle.

exercise! let's have a jog :)

these are old jokes...

but i still find them hilarious :D